In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Serval Release Success
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April 22, 2008


The Tikki Hywood Trust has reported that Frodo is now in the final stage of being released. On the 12 April 2008, Frodo was sedated, for what they hope will be the last time in his life and fitted with a radio collar. Once he was crated, Frodo travelled to the Matendere Ranch which is situated in the SAVÉ Valley in the Southeast Lowveld of Zimbabwe.

Information about the Tikki Hywood Trust can be found at by going to the blog called 'Zimbabwe Seven'.
posted by Miriam @ 4:41 PM   0 comments
Black Rhino Calf Born
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April 3, 2008

What were you doing Easter Saturday?

Trackers in the Bubiana area of Zimbabwe found a black rhino cow with a snare wound Easter Saturday and the bonus was seeing her month old female calf. The snare was removed and the wound treated while trackers held the calf. The cow is named Umlali because she lives along the Umlali River. This is believed to be her third calf - previous calf was born October 2005 so this is a very healthy intercalving interval of less than two and a half years.
Many thanks to the wonderful people dedicated to the protection and care of these animals.

After the mother came to, the calf ran off then the mother moved off in the same direction as the calf's calling and smell led her to her calf. It is amazing to watch them find each other - what they communicate through smell is remarkable.
posted by Miriam @ 10:30 AM   0 comments

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