In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Fairies Pedal Africa
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May 31, 2008
Back in February I wrote about Vanessa Buxton, an amazing person doing extraordinary things to raise money for rhino in Namibia. Keep scrolling down to read of her adventure... and maybe next year you might join her!!

Namibia is home to around a third of Africa's black rhino and Save the Rhino Trust has been instrumental in the recovery of what is Africa’s last truly wild population. Damaraland is not a National Park; there are no fences separating wildlife and people, and yet here wildlife is flourishing.
The Rhino Cycle Namibia provides an opportunity to experience these achievements first-hand and to help contribute to SRT’s continued success.

In her own words......
The 3rd year required that extra challenge!
I brainstormed with Fairy Love over what eccentricity might be appropriate..
…and emerged from my tent Day 1 …to shock the Namibians
Pink Fairy…The most INAPPROPRIATE outfit surely for the
African Desert!! Hardly camouflage!
posted by Miriam @ 11:14 PM   0 comments
Fairies in the Savannah
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Rain had come to the Desert and clad the red rock as a glorious savannah
But the winter was tragically late. No wind this year, but instead of cool winter,
we struggled in temperatures up to 45° ..we wilted & struggled.
posted by Miriam @ 11:13 PM   0 comments
Fairies and African Sunset
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One Euphoric dawn, herds of Zebra drawn by the pasture, were racing us.
The ground vibrating with the thunder of their hooves as they galloped alongside.
We could almost reach out and touch them – the drama as they swung across our path.
Euphoric moments were tempered by tough reality:
The deep challenge to overcome the frailty of the body.
Hitting that brick wall of exhaustion – physically a mangled wreck in the dust.

posted by Miriam @ 11:12 PM   0 comments
Fairies in the Mountains
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The road was rocky & the mountains were HIGH!!
The fairy trimmed her wings and took to the sky.

Fairy Love had wished us magic…and magic abounded!
posted by Miriam @ 11:12 PM   0 comments
Fairy Triumphant
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Yet with the power of determination, the mind finds a resilience to continue.
It was these days, when the 10 would arrive broken in pieces, yet euphorically shout
“This is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life”

Emerging triumphant, having gone through near collapse produces something extraordinary.
posted by Miriam @ 11:11 PM   0 comments
Fairies and Friends Raise 22,000 Pounds
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This is the immense gift that Africa gives back to the cyclist.
A richer reward in experience than money can buy.
As Ian put it:
“The Desert Cycle has simply raised my expectations of Life.”!!

We raised about £22,000 for conservation, honouring a beautiful land.

With me were:- Jane Shaw, Ian Wyness, Charlie Noel Buxton, Lucy Noel Buxton
Felica Webb, Andrew Prentice, James Dobree (Fairy 2), Anne-Marie Boston and Steve Pettifer.

Next year in May we’ll be off again in case you’re tempted.
It seems I’m obliged to keep up with this cycle thing!
I’ve decided No to a new car, keep the old banger & invest in a serious bike!

August 28th – 10th Sept, Peter Michael, Erika Pilkington & I will walk the entire length of the skeleton coast.
There’s one place left in case anyone is interested!

Love and hugs from the fairies!

posted by Miriam @ 11:10 PM   0 comments

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