In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Fairies and Friends Raise 22,000 Pounds
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May 31, 2008

This is the immense gift that Africa gives back to the cyclist.
A richer reward in experience than money can buy.
As Ian put it:
“The Desert Cycle has simply raised my expectations of Life.”!!

We raised about £22,000 for conservation, honouring a beautiful land.

With me were:- Jane Shaw, Ian Wyness, Charlie Noel Buxton, Lucy Noel Buxton
Felica Webb, Andrew Prentice, James Dobree (Fairy 2), Anne-Marie Boston and Steve Pettifer.

Next year in May we’ll be off again in case you’re tempted.
It seems I’m obliged to keep up with this cycle thing!
I’ve decided No to a new car, keep the old banger & invest in a serious bike!

August 28th – 10th Sept, Peter Michael, Erika Pilkington & I will walk the entire length of the skeleton coast.
There’s one place left in case anyone is interested!

Love and hugs from the fairies!

posted by Miriam @ 11:10 PM  
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