In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Serval Kittens
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June 11, 2008
Arwen & Kittens – Up date

It is a month since Arwen gave birth to Evenstar and Quickbeam. In a country where chaos reigns it is amazing to see this precious gift to the world in the form of two perfect little furry bundles. It never ceases to amaze me just how much there is to learn, each animal who enters my world has so much to teach me. Evenstar and Quickbeam are no different. Incidentally, these two new additions to our family are named after Tolkien characters from the Lord of the Rings trilogy – as is their mother. Evenstar was named first (the first to appear!) and then Quickbeam.

For the complete story about these kittens and information about the Tikki Hywood Trust can be found at by going to the blog called 'Zimbabwe Seven'.
posted by Miriam @ 4:52 PM  
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