In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Aspire Inspired by Save
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October 11, 2007
Safari adventures are life changing experiences. In their own words, travellers on the Aspire African Safari organised by the Save Foundation share their favourite memories

Olivia Hood – “all the game drives, the elephants, Okavango and the lions, being at The Hide and going walking, the staff, the giraffe room where I stayed, the night drives, and hearing, from my room, the buffalo stampede.

Craig Turnbull – “experiencing the rawness and primeval nature of Africa… coming back to nature and a real feeling of freedom. My fist sighting of a leopard I called Princess Di and the night of the buffalo stampede at The Hide…. extraordinary!

Rob Oliver (spent his childhood in Zimbabwe) – “thoroughly enjoyed my time at The Hide…walking with Andy (guide) was sensational, especially the early morning encounter with the lions. And the night when the buffaloes stampeded… that was my best ever night!

Kaye Ruttledge – "what a night it was at The Hide waterhole… the lions and cubs came down for a drink, as did a couple of leopards, the elephants were play fighting in front of us and then they got serious.”

Declan Ruttledge – “the buffaloes charging beyond the waterhole… I thought the whole place would be destroyed, they’d do so much damage but in the morning there was hardly a trace, a couple of broken branches although I couldn’t really see where they’d been. I remember it so vividly.”

Brenda James – “the night at The Hide when the buffaloes were stampeding… the mere sound of it and being part of it…hearing the lions roaring and a buffalo wailing… it was surreal - you’re there but you’re not there. Being so close to animals and flying in small planes put me outside my comfort zone.”

Michelle Carden - "outstanding!"
posted by Miriam @ 11:12 AM  
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