In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Orphaned Genets Growing Quickly
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December 31, 2007

When I first saw these orphaned genets in late November, see post below dated 29 November, one would fit in my hand. They seemed so tiny and now a month later they are fit and healthy and have all but trebled in size since arriving at the Tikki Hywood Trust in Harare two months ago.

This is due to the wonderful care provided by Lisa and Ellen. 'Dior' is the extrovert on Ellen's hand and the shy one, 'Coco' is hiding behind.

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posted by Miriam @ 10:26 AM   2 comments
Chilojo Cliffs Moon Gonarezhou National Park
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December 23, 2007

I heard Bryce Courtney, the author of 'The Power of One' speak about the 'big sky' in Africa, well here is the 'big moon'. After a relaxing sunset, this rising moon was so enormous as it peeped above the trees I couldn't stop staring at it. The immense beauty of mother nature and the stillness of the moment was so peaceful.

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posted by Miriam @ 7:54 PM   0 comments
Gonarezhou National Park Zimbabwe
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The Chilojo cliffs in Gonarezhou National Park are breathtakingly beautiful. With several lodges in the area, they are easily accessible and you must camp beside the river. For information on Senuko, Mahenye and Chilo lodges email

Imagine relaxing on the bank of this river with good friends, good wine and watching the rays of sunlight dance upon the cliffs at day's end.
It's wonderful for the soul.

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posted by Miriam @ 6:26 PM   0 comments
Injured Rhino Calf Doing Well
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December 20, 2007

This year old rhino calf, Lisa Maria, has a snare wound to one of her back legs. The wire snare was removed mid November and since then the wound has been treated daily and is healing nicely. Caring for her during December is an experience I will always treasure. Many thanks to the Save Foundation of Australia for funding her care and also to everyone directly involved with her care.

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posted by Miriam @ 2:29 PM   0 comments
Black Rhino Carla is an Artist
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December 18, 2007

Carla loved to roll in the mud and due to the very wet, wet season she had plenty to roll in. Then she would create her works of art on my ute/pick up.

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posted by Miriam @ 5:38 PM   0 comments
Black Rhino Calf
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December 15, 2007

In December I was asked to assist with the care of two black rhino calves in Zimbabwe for 17 days. It was the most wonderful experience to be so close to these animals. Each drank up to 30 litres of milk a day so there were lots of bottles to prepare and wash. This is Carla and each afternoon whe would go for a walk with William to collect browse which is a necessary part of the rhinos' diet.

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posted by Miriam @ 3:00 PM   0 comments
Priceless by Bradley Trevor Greive
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December 5, 2007
Author of 'The Blue Day Book', Bradley Trevor Greive teamed up with world-renowned wildlife photographer Mitsuaki Iwago and the result is one of the most amazing wildlife books available. Priceless: The Vanishing Beauty of a Fragile Planet highlights many animals now endangered and any of us can make a difference.

With a simple narrative and pictures that tell a thousand words this book is a must have for anyone who loves animals, the environment and life on earth.

Priceless: The Vanishing Beauty of a Fragile Planet

'For endangered species we are both their greatest enemy and their only hope.
These wonderful creatures will not argue their case.
They will not put up a fight.
They will not beg for reprieve.
They will not say goodbye.
They will not cry out. They will just vanish.'
(pages 97-99)
All the royalties will be donated to the Taronga Foundation


posted by Miriam @ 12:41 PM   0 comments

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