In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Orphaned Genets Growing Quickly
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December 31, 2007

When I first saw these orphaned genets in late November, see post below dated 29 November, one would fit in my hand. They seemed so tiny and now a month later they are fit and healthy and have all but trebled in size since arriving at the Tikki Hywood Trust in Harare two months ago.

This is due to the wonderful care provided by Lisa and Ellen. 'Dior' is the extrovert on Ellen's hand and the shy one, 'Coco' is hiding behind.

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posted by Miriam @ 10:26 AM  
  • At January 20, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Having spent some time with Lisa and Ellen of the Tikki Hywood Trust I can only marvel at the dedication and skill they show in handling and caring for the animals in their keep. These are trying times in Zimbabwe and this makes it even more incredible the work that they manage to well as breeding and caring for the animals they have also created an educational program (Kusanganisa) for local people so that their work is understood and there exists harmony between local people and the work of The Tikki Hywood Trust. Truly inspirational stuff!!

  • At January 21, 2008 at 6:37 PM, Blogger nadia said…

    So great to hear from you both. Have been having loads of mental conversations as I pull out the lantana and cull the can e toads. Wonder of wonders we have a full and overflowing dam as of a day ago. Fortunately not the floods of elsewhere though. After removing 9K toads over the past 3 years our reward is the most awesome frog display over the past 5 days and only 88 toads and the native trees and grasses are slowly reestablishing.
    "We overestimate what we can achieve in a day and underestimate what we can achieve in a lifetime"
    I bid you all pleasure as you 'do' Nadia

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