In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Aspire African Safari
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October 12, 2007
This was an unforgettable African experience for 19 adventurous people from Perth with a common interest in real estate: Aspire co-founders Craig Turnbull and Michelle Carden, ten Diamond Masters and partners and two youngsters, Olivia Hood, 15, and Kennedy Logan, 12. Thank you to Nicholas Duncan from Save Foundation and Maree Wrack for creating this fabulous trip for us.

As a group we all visited Imire Safari Ranch, The Hide, and Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Camp Okuti on the edge of the Okavango and Moremi wildlife area in Botswana. Some of us stopped over in Mauritius, some discovered Chobe and some stayed with friends in Harare.

These are their most memorable moments in their own words.

Shirley Hood“Each place we visited was a different and unique experience which made this trip so special. I loved the Victoria Falls Hotel and the feeling of going back in time.”

Jenny Hough – “being charged by an elephant in Chobe while on my first ever game drive! It eye-balled me! It was terrifying but exciting and I couldn’t wait to go out on my next drive.”

John Dumancic – “seeing my first leopard in a tree near Main Camp and seeing how it was as interested in us as we were in it…after more than 20 game drives throughout Africa the leopard had remained elusive and now I had seen all of the ‘Big Five’ in the wild. Unforgettable!

Chay Egan – “the openness, the freedom to be out in the wilderness, to jump in the back of a vehicle and view animals is so different than driving to and from work. I absolutely loved it.”

Kate Egan – “sitting near an anthill watching a herd of buffalo in the field, the stillness… experiencing the rugged, natural beauty was really special. It’s not a normal experience in my life to be free from all distractions and to experience that moment in time.”

Sandro Bombardieri – “when I went on an early morning walk with five others and Andy (guide) and we followed lions…. there was a massive roar and they were behind us…a huge adrenaline rush and an experience and a half.

Kim Radbourne – “the school kids… seeing the looks on their faces… seeing them face to face. When I give a dollar it will be for the education of the kids so they’ll learn about looking after their animals and the environment.”

Jon Edenburg and Kennedy – “that night at The Hide…the buffalo stampeding and the lions roaring. At Okavango when a lion approached the vehicle and Shirley ended up on the guide’s lap! The lion got up, came over to the vehicle, pulled the dragging stick out from under the vehicle and took it back over to the wheel ruts where it went back to sleep. We were in the back row and in front of us Michelle was nearly on top of Olivia and she was nearly on top of Craig! Time slowed down considerably during this event!
posted by Miriam @ 10:40 AM  
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