In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Rescue Mission for African Painted Dogs
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November 6, 2007
Rehabilitation Coordinator and Vice-Chairman of Painted Dog Conservation Inc John Lemon (also Acting Curator of Australian Fauna at Perth Zoo) and Perth Zoo Visitor Services Officer Jon Keates spent four weeks in Zimbabwe and South Africa as part of a rescue mission for 16 endangered African Painted Dogs.
John Lemon tells his story.
Photos by John Lemon and Jon Keates.

May 2006 turned into one of those months we will never forget with the
successful translocation of 16 African Painted Dogs from South Africa to the Painted Dog Conservation Inc rehabilitation facility in Hwange, Zimbabwe. The exhausting four-day operation was the culmination of many months of negotiations and frustrations.

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posted by kingsblogger @ 5:34 PM  
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