In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
African Painted Dogs Rescue Mission Successful
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November 6, 2007
The vet darted each dog and we then fitted each animal with a collar. The collars protect the dogs in a number of ways.
First, the telemetry equipment held within allows the dogs to be radiotracked and thus monitored.
Secondly, the collars are covered in a reflective tape to allow motor vehicles to see them at night. Thirdly, the tough aluminium anti-snare plate on the collars helps combat the lethal snares they may encounter in their home range and allow them to break the snare free or protect their necks until we can rescue them.

Identification photos were taken of each dog and then they were placed in the back of the truck. After approximately two hours we had the 16 dogs in the truck and the vet gave them the reversal injection to wake them up.

Now we were ready to set off on the arduous drive back to Hwange. We knew that we could not rest up in a hotel this time around. For the dogs’ benefit, we had to keep driving because they relax and sleep together if the vehicle keeps moving. Once it stops, they often wake up and can become distressed at being in a relatively confined space.

We reached the border at 10pm and after three hours of queues, more red tape and more queues, we were back in Zimbabwe, with only another eight hours to go. A quick refuelling stop in Bulawayo, a cup of coffee and we continued as the sun rose behind us.

We arrived exhausted in Hwange at 9.30am. However, the remarkable reception committee immediately revitalised us. The Zimbabwe Minister of Environment, ZPWMA officials from Head Office in Harare and Hwange Main Camp, and the national media were all there to greet us.

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posted by Miriam @ 5:10 PM  
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