In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Black Rhino Orphans are Friends
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January 24, 2008

An update on the two orhan rhino calves in Zimbabwe.

Carla and Lisa Maria are both out and roaming around. As Lisa Maria's leg is healing quickly she has been let out of her small enclosure. Since putting them together, Carla's whole personality has changed - she is now very quiet and wants no attention. Lisa Maria has such a gentle nature. They stick to each other like glue - HAVE to eat from the same bush, sleep just about on top of each other, have mud baths together, but still want the hugs and kisses after their evening feeds.

How different Carla looks now to when she first arrived - see post dated November 10, 2007.

Many thanks to those caring for them now and to the Save Foundation of Australia for funding their care.

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posted by Miriam @ 10:57 AM  
  • At February 13, 2008 at 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Its great to see that at least one international conservation group have not given up on Zimbabwes wildlife, in what is probably their greatest hour of need. Well done SAVE AUSTRALIA. Keep treading where others fear.

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