In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
MIDEM -The World's Music Market 28-31 Jan 2008
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January 31, 2008

Cannes was buzzing with about 10,000 music industry and technology professionals (and ME) from 90 countries attending the annual MIDEM, a music festival/tradeshow.
What a pleasure it was to be in this beautiful French Riviera city to do business.
People from the recording, publishing, live, digital, mobile and branding sectors were there to do deals, network, learn and check out new talent.
AND so was I.
posted by Miriam @ 10:53 AM  
  • At February 29, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mim,

    Thanks heaps for that - that is really awesome to check out the site of the conference in Cannes - I would like to get involved with that in the future...

    African Beats - very cool - I look fwd to checking out th local music when i travel to Africa next month. It is amazing the diversity of music i am discovering as i travel around the world.

    Havent had a chance to hear the Rhino beats - but i will get to it.

    Thankyou for being the amazing beautiful you. Your are an inspiration.

    With Blessings love, and grattitude,

    Billy Amesz.

    P.s Please continue to keep me updated... Its a joy to hear from you. :-D

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