In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Baby Black Rhino Loves Mud
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February 6, 2008

Rhinos just love rolling in the mud and due to the unsually high rainfall in Zimbabwe during December there was plenty of mud around. What you see are the the remains of a termite mound which when Carla isn't rolling in it, she is eating it. The call of the Woodland Kingfisher is the musical accompaniment with backing from the Cape Turtle Dove which sounds like it's saying 'work harder, work harder'.

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posted by Miriam @ 3:37 PM  
  • At February 13, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Blogger Robyn Gibson said…

    Congratulations Miriam, I love your site. You must be very proud of yourself.

    This is Robyn Gibson - fellow blogger :-)

    Infinite gratitude and love

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