In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Mt Kilimanjaro Climb for Black Rhino
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October 19, 2007

I have been asked how the climb was and now you know: it was hard work, and it took much determination, perhaps even more than physical fitness. However, we made great memories and raised $8,500 so far, only a little short of my target of $10,000!The full amount will be donated to the SAVE FOUNDATION of Australia. The committee, of which I am a member, will be spending all of it for black rhinoceros conservation, as it has for the past 20 years.
We could not have made it without the guides and porters.
Once again, I thank you for your generous sponsorship. Please consider supporting the Save Foundation by becoming a member or with a little extra tax-deductible donation to help me reach my original target.

All funds raised go to the SAVE FOUNDATION of Australia
posted by Miriam @ 5:16 PM  
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