In the end we will conserve only what we love
and we will love only what we understand
Baba Dioum, African ecologist
Mt Kilimanjaros Stella Point
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October 21, 2007

Day 5 was a short one and although we got off to a late start from Karanga Camp we reached the camp at Barafu Hut before lunch. Finding flat camping grounds was a challenge. At 4600 metres altitude, the air is noticeably thinner and even a short walk would make us breathless.
This was to be our base camp for the final ascent. Just before midnight on the same day, we were awakened by our guides: a bowl of porridge, and it’s climbing time again, this time in the dark. We started as a group but in the steep rubble and loose rocks, we soon each adopted our own pace. This part, zigzagging towards Stella Point on the rim of the crater at sunrise, I found the most difficult. It was great to see the famed snow of Kilimanjaro.
All funds raised go to the SAVE FOUNDATION of Australia

posted by Miriam @ 2:30 PM  
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